Christmas Solidarity Marches for Justice


The Christian Cultural Movement, the SAIn Party, and the Youth Solidarity Path, invite you to join more than 30 solidarity marches organised throughout the month of December in Spain and Latin America, with the purposes of representing the voice of the impoverished in the streets and of emphasising that hunger and other attacks on human life can be eradicated if the political will exists


Campaña por la Justicia en las Relaciones Norte-Sur
No Matarás (Dios)

Every day, more than 100,000 people die of hunger, and half of them are children


More than 2,500 million people around the globe live on less than 1.5 Euros a day. Ninety percent of the world’s population, meanwhile, has only 17 percent of its wealth. The world has commemorated this year the fall of the Berlin Wall that divided Europe, but in the last twenty-five years, the wealthy economic North has built up thousands of kilometres of walls and barbed wire on its borders with impoverished nations. In other words, it has tried to fence itself off from the poor. And on these frontiers, millions of migrants face death and violence every day as they try to cross Central America, the Straits of Gibraltar, and towards Melilla and Lampedusa.

As part of the reorganisation (or ‘crisis’) of the imperialist economic system, the wealth of humanity has increased, but so have hunger and the gap between rich and poor. The richest 10% holds 83% of the total wealth, and the three biggest fortunes alone are equivalent to the GDP of the 48 poorest countries.

The IMF and World Bank, after the crisis they caused themselves, have sought to impose plans of ‘structural adjustment’, using international financial capital to exercise control over the societies of the economic South in order to serve the interests of multinational corporations and the few powerful nations that control these institutions. These adjustments, which have now arrived on the shores of European nations, have been impoverishing Latin American, Asian, and African nations for over thirty years now: increasing unemployment, precarious work, exploitation, violence, evictions, and the death of emigrants. What is happening in Europe now goes some way to helping citizens understand what the impoverished of the Earth have been suffering for decades.

In 2015, the deadline will arrive for the UN’s Millennium Development Objectives, which have been and are being used as a weapon against the impoverished – portraying them as the ones responsible for the injustices they suffer. What the objectives conceal is the robbery of the economic South by the economic North, and of the weak by the powerful. Moreover, instead of ending hunger, which is the UN’s main duty, the organisation seeks to reduce the number of ‘hungry people’ by referring to abortion as “sexual and reproductive health” – effectively hiding the fact that more than 2,000 million pregnancies have been aborted in the world in the last 25 years.

The Christian Cultural Movement has been denouncing and fighting against the causes of Hunger, Unemployment, and Child Slavery for over twenty-five years, asserting forcefully that there is an authentic war of the powerful against the weak in the world.

In all of these years, we have affirmed that HUNGER will continue to exist as long as we do not fight simultaneously against all of its causes. In other words, it will exist as long as:

  • Economic relations between nations are dominated by the rich: transnational corporations and financial organisations (the IMF, World Bank, and the WTO).

  • International trade is based on profit, slavery of children and adults, and the plundering of resources for the benefit of a wealthy minority.

  • A commercial monopoly governs who has access to the benefits of technological and scientific advances.

  • The international financial organisations favour speculation and the use of excessive or abusive interest rates.

  • The large, undemocratic, international organisations (UN, UNICEF, ILO) continue to serve as accomplices to the rich and powerful.

We therefore demand that the rich nations stop stealing from poorer nations and respect the inalienable dignity and rights of all human beings. Human beings must not be treated as commodities, and such treatment should be considered an attack on humanity and the most serious of crimes.

We defend authentic internationalist solidarity, and believe it is time for a radical change – for truly moral political behaviour and programs.

For that reason, the Christian Cultural Movement, the SAIn Party, and the Youth Solidarity Path, invite you to join more than 30 solidarity marches organised throughout the month of December in Spain and Latin America, with the purposes of representing the voice of the impoverished in the streets and of emphasising that hunger and other attacks on human life can be eradicated if the political will exists.

Christmas  2014

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