An Unborn Child is a Person


The right to life for all humans is a common heritage of human reason.
After the first law of abortion in 1985, there have been one million, eight hundred thousand abortions in Spain.

In the current bill of the PP government, legal modifications have been made to eliminate free abortion as a “right” (as established by the PSOE in the law of 2010), instead referring to free abortion as a “fact”. This supposition of abortion as a result of the physical or psychological risks to the health of the mother up to the twenty-second week in fact functions as a loophole, representing 98% of abortions.

The law of ‘periods’ is unsustainable from the scientific point of view, but the currently presented law, based on suppositions, is infinitely worse, as it qualifies human beings as “killable”. One should never try to resolve problems by destroying human life. We affirm that human life is always inviolable – in any situation and at any point in its development. If this conviction is ignored, no solid or permanent foundations will remain to defend human rights, which will always be submitted to circumstantial convenience of those in power.

We reject this bill as a “lesser of two evils” as, from an ethical point of view, the proposition of an evil can never be justifiable. And it is erroneous to judge the morality of acts simply by the intentions or circumstances surrounding them.

With this bill, abortion is being consolidated as a structural norm within our culture. The acceptance of this “legitimate abortion” as the lesser of two evils by even Christian sectors of society which have sided with the PP is shameful. This tactic represents submission to and tolerance of tyranny and injustice.

The question of abortion is not one of “feelings” as President Rajoy has suggested. Nor is it an issue that can be defended by talking about “the rights of a woman”, as the false Left of the PSOE enshrined in law and those ranging from the Izquierda Unida to the PP have defended. It is a drama that must be situated within the framework of a culture that is against life and against solidarity. Today, more than ever, capitalism and abortion go hand in hand with their bourgeois-individualist conception of the right to decide.

We do not understand the legalisation of abortion if it is the mother who carries it out. The responsibility and blame are intrinsic components of human liberty and therefore of human dignity. To take away a human’s responsibilities is to take away their dignity. It is an attack on woman of the utmost severity.

Faced with the catastrophe of abortion, we must defend the idea that the unborn child is a human. We must affirm that there is no assertion more reactionary in our times than that of the right of one person to make decisions about the life of an unborn child. This idea represents a right to property even worse than that of a master over a slave. And it is shameful for the Left to defend that right. The Left should ensure a mother’s womb is what nature intended it to be: the safest place for an unborn child to be.

The current system turns us into accomplices, accepting, justifying and understanding the crime of abortion. Such a society, that legitimises abortion whether implicitly or explicitly, is a totalitarian one, affirming the absolute power of some human beings over others to the point that they become the owners of life. It is the confirmation of the imposition of the powerful over the weak: the poor and the unborn, the unemployed and the disabled, the ill and the elderly etc.

Publishing house of Self-management magazine