Formal democracy is a fraud


We live amid a neo-capitalist digital revolution in which all technologies are being used to control the population even more. This control extends to body, mind, and spirit with historically unprecedented aggressiveness.

Geopolitics, including astro-politics, bio-politics, and psychopolitics, have been integrated into a new model of governance in which economic power, represented by the large corporations (Western, Chinese, etc.) of global capitalism, has supplanted national, international, and transnational political power and has achieved a (pseudo)legality that economic power has always dreamed of. At the same time, the so-called capitalist civil society, formed by foundations and multimillionaire organizations, has hijacked social opinion and imposed the ideologies of power; it has systematically and permanently entrenched the neo-capitalist culture, and it has eliminated the causes of the great injustices such as the plundering of impoverished countries, the exploitation, and precarization of labor, or the wars over economic resources.

The immense financial and technological power of the great neo-capitalist corporations controls the life and death of entire countries and continents, impoverished and also enriched. A single decision made in an office to raise or lower interest rates, change the price of commodities or grant or deny a country a financial loan can result in millions of dead, starving, displaced, unemployed, evicted people…. Neo-capitalism is a global system of injustice

This is the true political structure of the world. To conceal and silence it is to be an accomplice. Therefore, we can say that the so-called liberal representative democracy is a real fraud. It always was in the times of industrial capitalism, but now even more so. The so-called democracy and its electoral mechanisms are a pure sham to deceive and distract the population and to give the appearance of legitimacy to the political class that manages the interests of the corporate power. Those who accept this game make themselves accomplices of the totalitarian neo-capitalism that in reality calls the shots. All political parties of realpolitik that publicly claim the decisive importance of elections and democracy are swindlers and stooges of the corporate power

Because of this indisputable reality, there are only two positions left. 

One, to accept domination and submission to capitalism, playing liberal democracy, voting or not from time to time, and adhering to the new model of the totalitarian state, in exchange for a certain material prosperity, but at the price of being slaves and dependents.

And another to carry out a moral, solidarity, and self-governing revolution that, forming people, families, and associations at the base of the people from the small organized, sacrificially assumes social and political responsibility at the margins of power.

People, families, and associations who, reject capitalist ways of life, discover their true vocation for the common good in all dimensions of their existence. Only this attitude makes it possible to live in truth and hope.
