Tammy Ann Gaskins: I can never forget the sacrifice of Child Labour Leader Iqbal Masih


    She stressed that I can never forget the sacrifice of Child Labour Leader Iqbal Masih who was killed in conspiracy of Carpet Industry owner in Pakistan. He was assassinated at age of 12 in Muridke town of Punjab because he was Christian and working for the freedom of Christian children bonded labour in Pakistan.
    Georgetown, Sc. May 12, 2003. Tammy Ann Gaskins, a human rights activist and Advisor of Christian welfare society Pakistan in USA, talking to PCP team said » My major aim is to eliminate Bonded Child labour in Pakistan». She stressed that I can never forget the sacrifice of Child Labour Leader Iqbal Masih who was killed in conspiracy of Carpet Industry owner in Pakistan. He was assassinated at age of 12 in Muridke town of Punjab because he was Christian and working for the freedom of Christian children bonded labour in Pakistan.

    She said – precious sacrifice of Iqbal Masih is cashed by the opportunist labour leadership and killers of Christian children have been set free by the deal among government of Pakistan and Carpet Industry owners- She said that Christian children are in thousands, as Bonded Labour in Brick Kline and Carpet industry in Pakistan and claims of the Government of Pakistan to end child labour in Pakistan seems only media play. She said that during her future visit to Pakistan, she should tour the bonded child labour locations in Pakistan in company of local and international press to surface the facts.

    Miss Tammy Ann Gaskins said the children working in Brick Kline and carpet industry are provided with only one meal a day. She said that she have information`s that on many locations of the said industries, the full family is working as Bonded labour and treated as slaves when they are chained at nights.

    She added » the rapes of the young mothers and women by the owners of Brick Industry and carpet industry owners before the eyes of children and husbands is normal act and police never registers cases against these influential Muslim».

    She said, » CWS Pakistan is very small group with limited resources «. She told the PCP team that she accepted to be in Advisory Board of CWS Pakistan to high light the Christian issues in Pakistan»

    «I cry at nights when read about the Christian persecution in Pakistan, I care for the children and woman» They have been deprived of their basic human rights.

    Miss Tammy Ann Gaskins presented the Mission Report of CWS Pakistan to the PCP team. She said although the objectives of CWS Pakistan are very limited due to lack of Funds but she shall present her report to the international community and invite the immediate attention to come forward and save the Christian children and woman from the slavery in Pakistan. Commenting on the Mission Report of CWS Pakistan she added » Christian Welfare Society Pakistan is a Christ centered organization, dedicated to the purpose of helping the poor, suffering, and underprivileged to obtain a better life. CWS reaches out Christian and Non-Christians alike. Although CWS is a Christian organization, we will lend a helping hand when and wherever we see a need, regardless of race or religion».

    Talking about the general conditions of Christians in Pakistan, She said.» Among the many great needs addressed by CWS are hunger, thirst, poverty, homelessness, sicknesses medical conditions, severe pain, lack of clothing, and lack of education. There is also a great civil unrest between Muslim and Christian. This is a great factor against the better employment of the Christian people. CWS does what it can do to stop and change these conditions whenever possible. We hope to reach out to the Islamic nation with a helping hand, to try to change the atmosphere to a peaceful one between our two religions».

    On future of CWS Pakistan Miss Gaskins said «CWS has developed several programs and activities to meet these areas of need in a practical and strategic manner. We strive to build up the poor community to a place where they can rise above their current situation, forced upon them by persecution and discrimination. CWS is not a welfare system to feed poverty; our goal is to provide care for the poverty stricken and hurting, and to help them to obtain a better life. CWS sincerely believes can be accomplished by providing the poor with the tools essential to build a better tomorrow».

    Miss Tammy said she would meet the all non-government organizations, Pakistani Press and government officials during her upcoming tour of Pakistan. She stressed upon government of Pakistan to repeal the Blasphemy laws in Pakistan and immediate release of Rev. Pervaiz Masih who is in jail on blasphemy laws and other Christians behind bars under section 295 B & C PPC. She demanded end to bonded child labour in Pakistan.

    Source: Pakistan Christian Post