LAS REUNIONES SECRETAS DE LA ELITE DEL PODER. Lista completa de asistentes al Club de BILDERBERG 2003 en Versalles.


Entre los españoles asistentes este año está la Reina Sofia, Juan Luis Cebrián ( Grupo PRISA – El PAIS), Matías Rodríguez Inciarte, Vicepresidente del SCH. La presencia secreta de estos españoles en este poderoso lobby es reincidente… Las reuniones se cubren en el secreto y los participantes raramente revelan su asistencia, aunque la lista de este año incluye la asistencia de David Rockefeller y Henry Kissinger. Los críticos acusan a Bilderberg de ser siniestro y conspiracionista – si aquello que los delegados están discutiendo es realmente por el bien de la gente normal, se preguntan entonces ¿Por qué no pueden publicarlo?.

La corresponsal en París de la BBC, Emma Jane Kirby, escribía el 15 de mayo del 2003: La élite financiera y política del mundo sostendrá una reunión cerrada el jueves en Francia, dónde se espera que los delegados enfoquen su atención en Irak post-guerra.

La reunión del grupo Bilderberg se llevará a cabo en Versalles justo antes del inicio de la reunión de los ministros de Finanzas del Grupo de los Siete en las cercanías de París.

Se cree que Henry Kissinger estará asistiendo este año.

Se dice que Bilderberg, que fue fundada en los años cincuenta por el Príncipe Bernhard de los Países Bajos, dirige la política internacional detrás de puestas cerradas.

Sus críticos dicen que es un organización capitalista que opera completamente a través de intereses propios.

Para cualquier persona normal, es solo un misterio.

No hay ningún miembro como tal – en cambio, una lista de invitación es confeccionada cada año por un comité dirigente desconocido, pero los participantes mayoritariamente son lideres y figuras poderosas en el campo de los negocios y la política.


Las reuniones se cubren en el secreto y los participantes raramente revelan su asistencia, aunque la lista de este año, se rumorea, incluye la asistencia del banquero norteamericano David Rockefeller y Henry Kissinger.

Lo que el grupo realmente hace no es nada claro, aunque es conocido por ser un grupo de lobby extremadamente influyente con excelente relaciones con el poder político en ambos lados del Atlántico.

Se dice que miembros claves de ambos gobiernos, británico y norteamericano han asistido a las reuniones.

Pero los críticos acusan a Bilderberg de ser siniestro y conspiracionista – si aquello que los delegados están discutiendo es realmente por el bien de la gente normal, se preguntan entonces ¿Por qué no pueden publicarlo?


E – Cebrián, Juan Luis – CEO, PRISA

E – Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias – Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano

E – Spain, H.M. the Queen of [King Juan Carlos (see photo) arrived with the queen, but he is not on this list]


B – Honorary Chairman – Davignon, Etienne – Vice-Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique

GB – Honorary Secretary General – Taylor. J Martin – Chairman WH Smith PLC; International advisor, Goldman Sachs International

F – Adler, Alexandre – Editorial counsel, Le Figaro

I – Ambrosetti, Alfredo – Chairman Ambrosetti Group

TR – Babacan, Ali – Minister of Economic Affairs

GR – Bakoyannis, Dora – Mayor of Athens

GB – Balls, Edward – Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury

P – Balsemão, Francisco Pinto – Professor of Communication Science, New University, Lisbon; Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

P – Barroso, José M. Durão – Prime Minister

TR – Bayar, Mehmet A. – Deputy Chairman of DYP (True Path Party)

A – Becker, Erich – Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO, VA Technologie AG

I – Bendetti, Rodolfo de – Managing Director CIR S.p.A.

I – Bernabè, Franco – Chairman Franco Bernabe & C. S.p.A.

F – Beytout, Nicolas – Editor-in-Chief, Les Echos

KW – Bishara, Ahmad E. – Secretary General of Kuwait´s liberal National Democratic Party

CDN – Black, Conrad M. – Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited

INT – Bolkestein, Frits – Internal Markets Commissioner, European Commission

USA – Bolton, John R. – Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security

F – Bon, Michel – Honorary Chairman, France Telecom

F – Bruguière, Jean-Louis – First Vice President, Justice Department

D – Burda, Hubert – Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding GmbH & Co.

F – Camus, Phillipe – CEO, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)

INT – Cary, Anthony J. – Head of Christopher Patten´s cabinet, EU. [Patten is European Commissioner for Enlargement]

F – Castries, Henri de – Chairman of the Board, AXA

E – Cebrián, Juan Luis – CEO, PRISA

B – Claes, Willy – Minister of State [Willy Claes is not now a Belgian Minister but former Belgian Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of NATO 1994-1995 – now disgraced – TG]

GB – Clarke, Kenneth – Member of Parliament, [former Chancellor of the Exchequer]

USA – Collins, Timothy C. – Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC

F – Collomb, Bertrand – Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

F – Copé, Jean-François – Secretary of State in charge of relations with Parliament; Government Spokesman

USA – Corzine, Jon S. – Senator (D, New Jersey)

S – Dahlbäck, Claes – Chairman, Investor AB

GR – David, George A. – Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

USA – Donilon, Thomas E. – Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae

I – Draghi, Mario – Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International

DK – Eldrup, Anders – CEO, Danish Oil and Gas Corporation

USA – Feldstein, Martin S. – President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research

CDN – Fell, Anthony S. – Chairman, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

USA – Friedman, Thomas L. – Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times

F – Gergorin, Jean-Luis – Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination, European Aeronautics Defence and Space company (EADS)

USA – Gigot, Paul A. – Editorial page editor, The Wall Street Journal

F – Giscard d´Estaing, Valéry – French President 1974-81; Chairman of the Convention on the Future of Europe

N – Gjedrem, Svein – Governor, Central Bank of Norway

IRL – Gleeson, Dermot – Chairman designate, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.

GB – Gould, Philip – Public Relations Adviser to Prime Minister Blair

USA – Haass, Richard N. – Director, Office of Policy Planning Staff, State Department

NL – Halberstadt, Victor – Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

CDN – Harper, Stephen – Leader of the Opposition

USA – Hertog, Roger – Vice-Chairman, Alliance Capital Management

NL – Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de – Minister for Foreign Affairs

USA – Hubbard, Allan B. – President, E&A Industries

USA – Hubbard, R. Glenn – Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia University

USA – Johnson, James A. – Vice Chairman, Perseus L.L.C.

USA – Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. – Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. L.L.C.

CH – Kielholz, Walter B. – Former Chairman of the Board, Credit Suisse; Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swiss Re

GB – King, Mervyn A. – Deputy Governor, Bank of England

USA – Kissinger, Henry A. – Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; Member, Defense Policy Board; Member J.P. Morgan International Council

FIN – Kivinen, Olli – Senior Editor & Columnist, Helsingin Sanomat

NL – Kok, Wim – Former Prime Minister

D – Kopper, Hilmar – Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

USA – Kravis, Henry R. – Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA – Kravis, Marie-Joseé – Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

INT – Lamy, Pascal – Trade Commissioner, European Commission

F – Lellouche, Pierre – Vice Chairman, NATO Parliamentary Assembly

F – Lévy-Lang, André – Former Chairman, Paribas

S – Lindh, Anna – Minister for Foreign Affairs

FIN – Lipponen, Paavo – Former Prime Minister; Speaker of the Parliament

DK – Lykketoft, Mogens – Chairman, Social Democrat Party

CDN – MacMillan, Margaret O. – Provost, Trinity College, University of Toronto

RUS – Margelov, Mikhail V. – Chairman, Committee for Foreign Affairs, Council of Federation

F – Montbrial, Thierry de – President, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)

INT – Monti, Mario – Competition Commissioner, European Commission

USA – Mundie, Craig J. – Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation

N – Myklebust, Egil – Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA

D – Naas, Matthias – Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL – Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the [Queen Beatrix – Royal Dutch Shell]

PL – Olechowski, Andrzej – Leader, Civic Platform

FIN – Ollila, Jorma – Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT – Padoa-Schioppa, Thomasso – Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

I – Panara, Marco – Journalist, La Republica

I – Passera, Corrado – Managing Director, Banca IntesaBCI

USA – Perkovich, George – Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA – Perle, Richard N. – Member, Defense Policy Board ; Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research; member Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

B – Philippe, H.R.H. Prince – Crown Prince of Belgium

I – Poli, Roberto – Chairman, Eni S.p.A.

F – Ranque, Denis – Chairman and CEO, Thales Aerospace and Defence

DK – Rasmussen, Anders Fogh – Prime Minister

CDN – Reisman, Heather – President and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

F – Riboud, Franck – Chairman and CEO, Danone Foods

CH – Ringier, Michael – CEO, Ringier AG

USA – Rockefeller, David – Member, J.P. Morgan International Council

P – Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferro – Leader of the Socialist Party; Member of Parliament

E – Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias – Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Santander Central Hispano

F – Roy, Olivier – Senior Researcher, CNRS

USA – Ruggie, John – Director, Center for Business and Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

NL – Ruys, Anthony – Chairman of the Board, Heineken N.V.

TR – Sanberk, Özdem – Director, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation

I – Scaroni, Paolo – Managing Director, Enel S.p.A.

D – Schäuble, Wolfgang – Deputy Parliamentary Leader, CDU/CSU Group

D – Schily, Otto – Minister of the Interior

A – Scholten, Rudolf – Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

D – Schrempp, Jurgen E – Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Chrysler AG

INT – Schwab, Klaus – President, World Economic Forum

DK – Seidenfaden, Toger – Editor in Chief, Ploitiken

RUS – Shevtsova, Lilia – Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

E – Spain, H.M. the Queen of [King Juan Carlos (see photo) arrived with the queen, but he is not on this list]

USA – Steinberg, James B. – Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution

CDN – Steyn, Mark – Journalist for various publications

IRL – Sutherland, Peter D. – Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman, BP Amoco

USA – Thornton, John L. – President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

F – Trichet, Jean Claude – Governor, Banque de France

GR – Tsoukalis, Loukas – Professor, University of Athens; President Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy

A – Trumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude – Vice Governor, Central Bank of Austria

CH – Vasella, Daniel L. – Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL – Veer, Jeroen van der – President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company; Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies

F – Villin, Philippe – Vice Chairman, Lehman Brothers Europe

NL – Vries, Klaas de – Member of Parliament (Labour); Former Minister of the Interior

FIN – Whalroos, Björn – President and CEO, Sampo plc.

S – Wallenberg, Jacob – Chairman of the Board, Skandinavivska Enskilda Banken

GB – Williams, Gareth – Leader of the House of Lords

GB – Wolf, Martin H. – Associate Editor/Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

USA/INT – Wolfensohn, James D. – President, The World Bank

USA – Wolfowitz, Paul – Deputy Secretary of Defense, US Department of Defense

USA – Zakaria, Fareed – Editor, Newsweek International

USA – Zoellick, Robert – Principal Trade Adviser to the President

D – Zumwinkel, Klaus – Chairman, Deutsche Post Worldnet AG


GB – Micklethwait, R. John – United States Editor, The Economist

GB – Rachman, Gideon – Brussels Correspondent, The Economist