No to war! The people do not want war; the powerful do.


Have we Europeans lost faith and hope?

Editorial Autogestión 155 

A few months ago we lived an election in Europe again, and it seems that there are only reasons for despair, with a policy and politicians who have given up on addressing the deep evil that corrupts the soul of Europeans because they have given up to continue building a Europe of solidarity, common, and fair.

How can we be so hypocritical as to be shocked by the growth of ultra-nationalist, right-wing, and left-wing positions? How can we be surprised by the fact that our youth is increasingly positioning itself in populist and unsupportive extremes? We know from these dusts those sludge come from.

Dust  scattered by an ultra-capitalist agenda with its political model, at best, techno-democratic. And by the way, even the forms seem to matter little. China has become, paradoxically, no longer the enemy to beat but the example and paradigm to follow.

Politicians, you have a major responsibility. You have actively participated spreading this unsupportive mentality. And you have done it through an unhealthy, corrupt politics, which has despised serving the people, which has despised putting the human being and his inalienable dignity at the center.

The abstention and the populist, unsupportive vote are the result of the politics of the sepoys, at the service of lobbies, transnationals, and socio-economic interests that only care about the weakest (unemployed, youth, elderly, marginalized, immigrants) if they get a political gain from them. We are not surprised by these results when the sense of personal and collective responsibility is lost and democracy is left without ethical foundations, as if morality and politics should be repelled and repudiated.

We do not have to go far to demonstrate what we have indicated. There is the growth of pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia laws, with France becoming the first country in the world to include the right to abortion in the Constitution, sustaining demographic glaciation. We don’t have to go far to count the daily deaths trying to reach Europe, where our only concern seems to be how to avoid being “flooded” by the problematic poor immigrants.

Where is the European Pact on immigration and asylum? We have turned solidarity towards refugees and immigrants into “funding” to border countries to build walls and fences, and we have forgotten the humane and reasonable opening of the borders of the European Union to the impoverished of the world.

Gentlemen politicians: if the maxim is servility to the powers, to the elites, and to the “leadership” of those who pilot the transition to new forms of control, governance, and economic benefits, all of them in the process of renewal, you cannot deny your responsibility in the “anti-political” polarization. They are the midwife of new-fangled light totalitarianism, an anti-human dignity “regime” that only in the “forms” differs from authoritarian models.

It is necessary to have very deep faith to believe in this unsupportive Europe, a dual Europe, of social inequality, midwife of nationalisms and populisms of left and right, and where its true strength, its identity, and the values on which it presumes to be built (respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, or solidarity) are being relegated as obsolete because they are a burden in the new phase of capitalism.